Orchid growth process: from cutting to flowering splendor

August 2024 – Have you ever wondered how an orchid grows? We’d love to tell you! Growing Mimesis orchids is a fascinating process that takes about 1.5 years. Read on for all the details…

The plants begin their journey in our nursery as small cuttings. These cuttings are carefully inspected and sorted and then grow for 24 weeks in a warm greenhouse. Did you know that the Phalaenopsis originally grows in the tropics? That’s why in our nurseries we mimic its natural habitat, with the right water balance, humidity and pieces of tree bark in the growing pots.

When the cuttings are big enough, they get their own pot and grow even further in the warm greenhouse.

This is followed by the cooling phase, which is essential to stimulate branch development. During this phase, orchids are exposed to lower temperatures. The branches continue to grow and the first buds appear. To prevent the branches from becoming too heavy, we put sticks next to each branch.

After the cooling phase, the plants enter the greenhouse for the final growing period until they are fully in bloom. The result is a breathtaking view in the greenhouse! The plants are packed and eventually find their way to garden centers, florists and high-end retailers throughout Europe. This is how we put a smile on the face of many consumers every day!

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