Discover Marvellous

A bouquet with months
of flowering pleasure

Marvellous is a bouquet you can enjoy for months! Because there are not one but two plants together, it creates an enormous quantity of flowers. An impressive display that puts a smile on everyone’s face.

17 centimeter

Number of branches
4 branches with
many side branches

Plant height
70 centimeter

Number of flowers
50+ flowers

Become a true
Mimesis expert

You can enjoy Mimesis orchids for a long time. With the right care, you can enjoy them for 3 to 6 months. Our tips will get you started. Do you want to become an expert? Then talk to our assistant Amara! She will help you become that expert on our Mimesis orchids.

  • The Mimesis orchid grows well at room temperatures between 15°C and 25°C

  • Place the orchid in a bright spot, but avoid direct sunlight in the summer months

  • Dip the pot in a little water once a week and let it drain well
